Ayurveda City Center

Ayurveda places great emphasis on prevention and encourages the maintenance of health through close attention to balance in one’s life, right thinking, diet, lifestyle and the use of herbs.

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बदहजमी का कारण(Main causes of indigestion)

Baaljeevan Gutika(बालजीवन गुटिका)

Parbhakar Vati(प्रभाकर बटी)

Plihari Vati(प्लीहारि बटी)

Pranda Gutika(प्राणदा गुटिका)

Panchtikat Ghan Vati(पञ्चतिक्तघन बटी)

Naag Gutika(नाग गुटिका)

Navjwarhar Vati(नवज्वरहर बटी)

Dhananjye Vati(धनंजय बटी)

Drakshadi Gutika(द्राक्षादि गुटिका)